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What is an LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) and Nursing Prerequisites at Community Colleges?

What is an LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) and Nursing Prerequisites at Community Colleges?

Nursing can be immensely satisfying; however, entering it successfully requires specific steps. Future caregivers must enroll in an accredited nursing school, complete all the necessary education requirements, and then pass an exam to become actual nurses.

Future professional nurses must pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become licensed nurses and become certified professionals. However, other exams must also be passed during their educational and professional careers.

This guide outlines typical tests nurses need to pass during their careers.

What is a Nurse LPN?

A Registered nurse (RN) is a licensed healthcare provider who collaborates with doctors and medical professionals to provide patients with medical care & check vital signs at clinical sites. Registered nurses supervise licensed practice nurses (LPNs), certified nursing assistants (CNAs), home health assistants, and private home health aides under their direct supervision.

Nurse practitioners are responsible for evaluating patients’ health conditions, administering treatments as necessary, and providing health advice when required. Furthermore, they have several other tasks and responsibilities which they must fulfill:

Medication injections and other tailored treatments may be administered for specific patient populations.

  • Conduct laboratory samples and diagnostic tests.
  • Collaborate on patient care with various health specialists at clinical settings.
  • Conducting physical examinations and recording medical histories before making important decisions are paramount to making wise decisions.
  • Health promotion, as well as counseling and education for families and patients.

Related:- Get to Know the Five Ps of Hourly Rounding for LPNs

What tests are needed for nurses?

Nurses must pass various examinations throughout their careers, such as entrance exams (NCLEX-PN exam) to licensed practical nursing schools and exams during nursing education and the National Council Licensure Examination for Licensure and Certification (NCLEX). Some healthcare team also take credentialing exams to advance their careers and receive more lucrative pay.

These exams assess an individual’s chances of succeeding in nursing schools, examine essential skills like critical thinking for safe practice, and award special certifications necessary for advanced training.

Entrance Exam for Nursing School and Nursing Pre Reqs at Community College

Nearly all nursing schools require applicants to submit applications to universities and programs, transcripts, nursing pre reqs at community colleges’ clinical courses, criminal background checks, drug screenings, and entrance tests before being considered for admissions in health care settings.

Remember that each university and Illinois College of Nursing tuition nursing program imposes different licensure requirements on applicants for its nursing programs, including tests. Therefore, students should conduct independent research to understand what’s expected of them.

The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is a prerequisite for numerous candidates to LPN programs, including Goodwin University students. As part of an undergraduate and nursing course’s admission requirements, this predetermined multiple-choice entrance test covers reading mathematics, science, math, and English/language topics.

The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is an objective, standardized exam designed to test whether nurses have sufficient preparation for entry-level clinical practice.

There are various forms of exams, including:

The National Council Licensure Examination-Licensed Nurse (NCLEX-PN):

This exam allows nursing students to work immediately in their nursing field of interest or pursue further studies in nursing.

The National Council Licensure Exam for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN): This examination allows applicants to become licensed practical Nurses (LPN) or licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN).

Students enrolled in nursing education for prerequisite courses and licensed practical nursing programs focusing on pre-licensure may also qualify for the NCLEX examination.

National Council of State Boards of Nursing conducts these exams to evaluate candidates for nursing jobs as an entry-level health care provider to ensure they demonstrate both knowledge and ability to provide safe and effective long-term care at an entry-level level in a variety of health care for patients.

It poses questions on topics such as:

  • Maintain and promote health in a variety of settings.
  • Management and basic care to patients provided by health care team at nursing homes
  • Control of infections and safety are the top priorities.

The candidate is evaluated on their knowledge of nursing as a foundation, their ability to assess information and put it into scope of practice, and applying regulations and nursing process to provide the most efficient basic patient care possible.

The Most Frequently Nursing Pre Reqs at Community College Include:-

Anatomy and physiology, chemistry, microbiology, psychology, and English composition. Some community colleges require their nursing applicants to pass an entrance examination, such as The Test of Essential Academic Skills, before being accepted.

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Nursing programs at community colleges have academic requirements and include clinical requirements in the nursing profession. Clinicals provide hands-on experience, which allows prospective students to apply their knowledge in medical environments such as hospitals, clinics, or long-term healthcare facilities. Students typically complete six to 12 semesters of clinicals.